Snap-In Dentures in Lexington, NC

Are you seeking a more comfortable and secure way to replace missing teeth? Snap-In dentures from Carolina Pines Dentistry could be the ideal solution.

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Snap-In Dentures in Lexington, NC

Why Should I get Snap-In Dentures?

Snap-In dentures or overdentures allow you to restore the health and beauty of your smile without ever worrying about them becoming loose over time. These types of dentures are attached to the jawbone using dental implants, often placed surgically in the jawbone. The work of the implants is to support the denture. Once the implants are fixed, the dentures are then snapped into the implants, forming a stable and secure fit.

Snap-In Dentures in Lexington, NC

Did you know…

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Overdentures last longer than traditional dentures. They can last up to 10 or more with proper care.

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Before & After

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before and after treatment



Benefits of Snap-In Dentures

Extra Stability And Comfort

Traditional dentures are known to become loose over time, which can cause uncomfortable movements around the mouth. Snap-In dentures, on the other hand, are comfortable and super stable and won’t slip or slide, making them ideal for stable restorations.

Natural looking-smile

Overdentures provide a natural-looking smile for enhanced confidence. This is because they are designed to look more like natural teeth compared to conventional dentures.


Snap-In dentures are less expensive than a complete set of dental implants with false teeth. They also protect your smile over a long period.

The Snap-In denture treatment process

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The first step is to schedule an appointment for snap-In implant dentures. During the consultation, your dentist will examine your oral health to determine your eligibility for the treatment. If approved, we will discuss your treatment options and create a tailored placement plan for you.

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Dr. Wingler will use 3D imaging to take impressions and models of your mouth to create customized dentures for your Snap-In denture placement. The dentist will place the denture on your gums and adjust it to ensure it fits comfortably. A dental adhesive will be used to secure the denture in place.

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To get the most out of your Snap-In dentures, you will need to return to our office for regular checkups and cleanings.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the biggest advantage of overdentures is that they can easily be placed and removed for cleaning.

Anyone with lost or missing teeth will likely qualify for an overdenture. Usually, the supporting implant is placed where there is the best-born support, giving you the flexibility to meet the requirements of a Snap-In denture design.

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